Homeschool Interview with Amanda

We are so excited to begin sharing interviews with homeschooling mamas in the Home+Haven Community! We want to highlight all different types of families and homeschooling styles. We hope you find them an encouragement!

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Name and where are you from?

Amanda from Lodi, CA

What are the ages of your kids?

One daughter age 8

What part of your curriculum is your favorite?

I absolutely love our morning devotion time digging into God's word together and for core subjects we both are history lovers!

Tell us about some of the highs of homeschooling for you?

This is our very first year homeschooling in which we have worked through 2nd grade. One of the biggest highs of our new journey in homeschooling is that I have absolutely loved getting to know HOW my daughter learns and learning alongside of her. Being able to help guide her through whatever we may be trying to master or simply understand, has brought a level of joy completely unexpected for me. I am so grateful that we chose to homeschool and we are continuing to learn as a family unit everyday. I always said I would never homeschool, and boy did God sure have a plan that I just needed to change that no to a surrender yes, which has allowed me to draw even deeper into Him.

Do you have a specific summer schedule?

Being that this is our first year homeschooling, we are going to take summer one day at a time and see how it goes. Our "plan" is to continue with lots of reading and some language arts and maybe some math here and there. We have some vacations planned and VBS so we will just see where we land.

How do you split up your day when you have different aged/grade level of children?

The beauty in having just one to homeschool helps tremendously with not having to split up schedules for different grades and ages.

What practical advice would you leave with our homeschooling mamas?

Some advice I may give would be to do your best to reach each of your children right where they are and not feel pressured to meet some standard that may be irrelevant in their education down the line. Only after one year of homeschooling, I can't imagine not doing this! I love it, my daughter loves it and my husband is the best support system for us both. Our children aren't ours to begin with, so treasure what God has gifted us with to steward and just make "school" part of every aspect of living life.

How can we pray for your family this month?

As far as prayer, we have yet to connect locally with a good fit of homeschool community and I think we would benefit from it especially since I am homeschooling an only child. We get lots of time, relationships and community through church, however I think a specific homeschool community would be a great bonus.

Thank you so much for all you do through Home and Haven - it is truly one of the big reasons I was confirmed to go through with the decision to homeschool!
