Homeschool Interview with Ashley Cooper @fourheartsacademy

We are so excited to begin sharing interviews with homeschooling mamas in the Home+Haven Community! We want to highlight all different types of families and homeschooling styles. We hope you find them an encouragement!

Name and where are you from?

Ashley Cooper @fourheartsacademy

What are the ages of your kids?

5, 11, 14, 16 

What part of your curriculum is your favorite?

My favorite curriculum right now is A Year Of Tales. My favorite part is that it's literature and nature based. It's full of so much richness. We have been reading Beatrix Potter tales. It also focuses on a weekly character trait and Bible verse. I absolutely love that.

Tell us about some of the highs of homeschooling for you?

The highs of homeschooling for me is the quality time I get to spend with my family, teaching my youngest to read and learning my children's  different learning styles and being able to accommodate their needs. 

What are some of the lows of homeschooling for you and what helps you through them?

I haven't experienced many lows. So far the only thing I have experienced is exhaustion from being mommy and teacher. I'm a single parent so I carry a different load. 

How do you split up your day when you have different aged/grade level of children?

My older kids start earlier than the little one. But, they work independently for the most part. If they need help, I make myself available when the youngest is playing. In the fall, I plan on having a better rhythm so that I could sit down with my older kids and give them more 1 on 1 attention—even if they don't need help. We will also have certain subjects we all do together such as history and geography. This is my first year homeschooling so it involved a lot of trial and error. 

What practical advice would you leave with our homeschooling mamas?

Research, Research, Research. 

Find out what method of homeschooling works best for your family. 

Don't buy every curriculum you see. You'll regret it (and it's expensive). 

Get a planner 

Take breaks whenever you need them

Let your children lead 

How can we pray for your family this month?

Pray for health and safety 
